Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolved for 2009

Personal resolutions for this coming year- 2009
  • Understand God and His Word more fully through Scripture study, memorization, and listening to solid biblical teaching on a weekly basis (outside of usual church services)
  • Be a consistent, loving, and settled Titus 2 woman of Biblical virtue with a God-centered world view
  • Care less about what others think and more about what God praises
  • Love Bryan as Scripture teaches a wife should- to keep him 2nd in the order of priorities after my relationship with God- to make him feel respected and loved so that he may feel secure and cherished in our marriage- to build him up and support him at home so that his ministry to the outside world may thrive in a way that draws others to Christ
  • Train Abby in the disciplines and teachings of Jesus so that she may begin to understand from infancy the love, wonder, and glory of our great God and the beauty of this life He has given us
  • Make our home a place of joy, love, and security- a refuge from the outside world to all who may enter in
  • Find ways to serve our church and its ministries joyfully and fully that fit in with my spiritual gifts
  • Be more intentional with relationships with others, especially family and close friends
  • Guard my mouth and the thoughts of my heart more closely
  • Try something new every month, whether it is an activity, recipe, craft, or etc.

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